
 I have divided the Quote Your Soul Series into the 4 elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Each quote will fall into one of these categories and be labeled on each blog entry.

Earth will focus on the more practical common sense subjects that people face in every day social interactions and decision making.

Air will focus on the spiritual nature of our existence offering inspiration and higher minded expressions.

Fire will focus on the more intimate aspects of our lives offering relationship insights and romantic concepts.

Water will focus on the inner workings of our emotions and what makes us tick as sentient beings such as, how we interact and communicate with others around us.

The ultimate goal here is to write a book series combined in a collection case to store all 4 short books in. The idea is that you will hopefully be able to purchase each book separately (once they are published) or purchase the collection of all 4 books at one time. I have chosen colors and graphics that I feel adequately represent each element. The case will be the same nature green you see as the color choice for this blog and each individual book cover will be as follows:

As a footnote, I have designed all of my own graphics including the blog background page and banner. I also compose and produce music so from time to time you may be able to hear music that I have created in a blog entry here and there. I enjoy designing graphics and composing music in my free time so this truly is a total expression of my creativity and I hope my readers will enjoy and share this presentation with their friends and family. Please feel free to comment on the individual blog entries and subscribe to my blog if you so choose, you are all welcome, and I invite you to experience life as I see it, through my eyes and my mind.


Strength of Character


True Love


Quote Your Soul © 2012

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