Thursday, January 17, 2019

My Spiritual & Emotional Evolution

"When you stop being emotionally invested in the chaos the truth reveals itself."  ~ Shelley Williams

I'm not exactly sure why, but today I felt the need to pick up where I left off with this book idea of mine and follow through on my goal to complete this project. I had to take some time to let that sting of anger subside within me so that it didn't intermittently interfere with my ability to stay positive and encouraging to others. Then I was reminded that I AM HUMAN and my perception shifted.

Maybe it's just the wisdom that comes with age and experience, or maybe it helps that I continued to see a therapist even though I wasn't in crisis lol. That alone has served to help me stay focused on my personal progress and reaching the goals I had for my spiritual and emotional evolution. I can not be defined by my past, but I welcome the truth of my past as a part of the whole of my life experiences that have brought me to this point in my existence. This was an important level of thinking for me to reach in order to complete this book.

As we grow we begin to discover how we have learned to do certain things a certain way simply because of a thinking process we learned growing up. And since thinking is where all of our actions and emotions are rooted, it's important that we become willing to evaluate our thinking patterns and discuss how we come to certain conclusions in our daily lives. We need to be willing to challenge our closely held perceptions and use reason to determine if these perceptions and thinking patterns are helping us or hindering us.

This morning I was inspired by this thought that came into my mind and I felt the need to share it so I hope that it inspires you as much as it has inspired me. Truth comes to us when we are ready to accept it. Today I am open to truth and I welcome the challenge to grow myself into a better human being tomorrow than I am today, and each day after.

Quote Your Soul ©

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Changing things up a bit!

My creative flow was put on hold for a while. Chalk it up to life experiences that trip us up, I had some personal growth and healing to do before I could successfully move forward with the desires of my soul. Lately my mind has been flooded with creativity in all aspects of my life. Even my house plants are fertile and thriving off of the energy flow. Although my personal growth may seem to be eeking forward at a slow pace, I can see marked improvements from where I was only a year ago.

I have been redecorating my humble apartment, accepting that downsizing at this juncture in life has been a good thing for me, albeit, an uncomfortable adjustment. Having a self deprecating sense of humor helps. And coming to terms with truths and embracing the fact that I have allowed my faith in humanity to overshadow my common sense has taken me to places in my life that I know now I will never have to revisit. It's a bit Cathartic really, and I feel as though I have a new soul and driving spiritual force within me that is more focused than ever before. Or it could simply be that change of life thingie lol.

So I will be redesigning this blog and changing how I post. It might read more like a journal of sorts, but I will still work toward completion of my book series and, once in a while, offer spoilers here on my blog. I felt like I had cornered myself a bit before and in doing so, I was limiting my own free expression and where I could take this blog on a creative level. So from now on, I will feature more quotes from other authors and people of interest throughout history. Wisdom is out there, but it first has to be read, or heard, and most importantly, perceived correctly.

With that said, Happy Easter to the world! Today is a new day, a new life in many traditions, cultures and Religions. What a perfect day to start over!

Quote Your Soul ©

Monday, March 18, 2013

True Love

"True love of one's soul (spiritual) binds your tongue when needed most. Carnal love (sexual) not only let's the tongue run wild, it encourages it." ~ Shelley Williams

Do you know what love is? There are many descriptions out there that range from the biblical to worldly views of how love is defined, but when it comes down to it, love is a verb. It is the choice to act for the benefit of another individual, and caring about the happiness of someone else without any thought for what we might get for ourselves. Most people tend to include the affection they have for someone with their perception (personal judgment) of what love is  because it is what we learn growing up. But affection is separate from the act of love, although, not always mutually exclusive. So then, what is true love, and can love actually be true?

The word true is described as being loyal, faithful, steadfast, exact, precise, accurate, correct, genuine, authentic, sincere, not deceitful, reliable, and unfailing. Yet all of these words used to describe the word "True" are also verbs. (In case you forgot since graduating, a verb is an action word lol) So then it is safe to say that true love is probably not an emotion at all, yet often we hear someone saying they are in true love, or their true love has finally come along. The state of being "in love" is closer to the type of love we  learn to want and seek from our peers and society, but just because you experience those emotions, does not mean that you will be happy or that you have actually encountered a "true love."

The love we learn from the world through our peers and society, in general, is carnal love. It has traits of possession, envy, lust for the flesh outside the marriage, despondency, underhandedness, lack of trust, and much more. Yet, it is the kind of love that we see on TV, in the movies, we hear it on the radio, and we see it all around us every day. For example, a woman who says she is in love with someone because he spoils her with gifts and takes her out to fancy places, or a man who says he is in love because she has an amazing body and he can't stop thinking about her. Passion and pleasure do not equal love, and if you are building your relationship with another person on them, you will eventually experience the heart break that is doomed to end that relationship.

How did we get everything so confused? True love—unconditional love— is very different from the kind of love most of us have known all our lives. We all like to think we know what love is, but it is difficult to fully understand something that you haven't personally experienced. Similar to someone telling you how to get somewhere but not giving you a map or exact directions. So if most of us haven't experienced true love,  it is difficult to know how to find it when we don't even have the correct frame of reference for it.

By now, you are probably thinking the whole prospect of finding love sounds a bit more like guesswork than an exact science. But if you are basing your concept of love on your "perception" of what love is to you, from your experiences thus far, then you are most likely having difficulty finding the happiness you believe love will bring to your life. Much like picking up a handful of sand and thinking you will be able to retain every grain of sand without losing any. If you have ever picked up sand, you know how difficult it is to not lose as least a few grains. So it is with our concept of love...

Going back to the quote I wrote that started this particular blog entry, "True love of one's soul (spiritual) binds your tongue when needed most. Carnal love (sexual) not only let's the tongue run wild, it encourages it," it might be wise to dig a little deeper here. So in an effort to better convey my thoughts behind this quote, I thought it would be smart to focus more on the "spiritual" and "carnal" states of being, rather than the concept of love itself.  I am going to start with the carnal state of being first so we can end this on a positive note with information about the spiritual state of being.

In the dictionary, "carnal love" connotes derogatorily an action or manifestation of a person's lower nature , and carnal is defined as;
a : relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites
b : marked by sexuality <carnal love>
The carnal aspect of our being seeks gratification of a bodily desire or pleasure, commonly implying sexual appetite with the absence of spirituality or intellect. It is the basic physical, animal existence as distinguished from the rational nature of a person. Quite simply put,  Carnal love is sexual gratification without  emotions or intimate connection involved. Our carnal side wants to give into the desires of the flesh without regard to the spiritual needs of the soul, and that desire is fed daily by what we see and hear.

To clarify here, I'm not implying that a sexual relationship is bad because it can exist with spiritual love in an intimate relationship. Sexual relationships can create passion as well as ignite romance with your partner.. But on the other hand, sexuality is also a source of destruction and negativity that are the causes of a myriad of problems in society. Sex is a creative force that moves through the body, feeding the emotions and thoughts and creating the impulse of desire. It is pleasure in its raw and unrefined states and if that energy is not understood and used in the right way, it is the cause of dissatisfaction, destruction and overall unhappiness in our lives.
"Passions break out, pleasures overflow; beauty fades, and falls quicker than the leaf on the ground, when the amorous storms of lust blow on it before the coming of autumn, and is withered by destruction." ~ From the book Ante-Nicene Fathers Volume II
Have you ever noticed how many ads on TV and magazines use sex to get the attention of the viewers? It seems it is everywhere, even in ads on networks supposedly targeting our youth. The media seems to promote carnal living, removing any spiritual influences to avoid conflict, while leaving out the ultimate consequences of leading a carnal lifestyle. The use of sex in advertising can be highly overt or extremely subtle and it ranges from relatively explicit displays of sexual acts, to the use of basic cosmetics to enhance attractive features. Not long ago, in the waiting room at a Doctors office, I saw an ad for a shower gel in a magazine that showed a man and a woman who were nude in a shower, creatively posing them in such a way to hide the "taboo" areas of the body. The imagery was intended to imply that you can have carnal fun in the shower if you use this shower gel. It didn't say anything about the product itself or what it was made from, but the imagery painted a loud picture of carnal desire.

In the arena of print ads are various companies who are marketing a product that has nothing to do with sex, however the ads imply sexuality. Burger King has an ad for a sandwich called the BK 7 incher showing a woman with her mouth open and an over sized sandwich in front of her with the caption "It will blow your mind away." Samsung has an ad with a nude woman and the caption "True beauty is curved" to advertise a laptop. Diesel Jeans has an ad showing a young topless girl (she has her bra on) straddling a shirtless boy and smiling, while he is staring at her chest with the caption, "Sex Sells, unfortunately we sell jeans." JBS Mens Underwear has an ad showing a woman in a french maid uniform that is partially off and one of her legs propped up on a bed (almost showing her crotch) and she is sniffing a pair of men's underwear (no caption, just the company logo). And last, but not least, Nikon has an ad for their face detection technology which shows 2 young girls in a bra and underwear posing on a bed with each other. But there is hope! We now have something called Retail Therapy and it offers helpful advise to avoid giving into sex in advertising.

Another topic I would like to cover on the subject of carnal love is the increasing membership on internet dating sites. So many have become frustrated at the difficulty in finding a companion the traditional way that they end up signing up for a membership on an internet dating site, hoping to find someone who is their perfect match. Among them are,, and even a few Christian dating sites saying don't wait on God.  eHarmony advertises regularly on TV claiming that you can take their test and their software will match you up with several possibilities that have the potential to be your perfect companion. The problem I see with that is many people don't answer those questionnaires honestly. So while you are thinking you may have a potential match, it could be based on mis-information and deception, and proving inaccurate information is more difficult on the internet than it is if you are face to face and personally interacting with this person. While traditional dating offers the potential of meeting friends and family members who can give you a better idea of what this person is like, internet dating limits your informational input to only what that person tells you.

There are many issues with online dating that need to be considered. The biggest one I have found is that often the picture displayed is not that of the person behind the profile or it is an older picture or one that has been digitally altered. Other issues would include married people using a dating site saying they are single when what they are seeking is an extramarital affair, people with criminal records or sexually transmitted diseases, and con artists who are seeking a naive person whom they can take advantage of. I once ran into a guy who was using an internet dating site to meet multiple women that he could get personal information from so he could steal their identity, thus ruining their credit and claiming income taxes under their names with a fake address.

The world at large seems to present the carnal nature of man to be acceptable, even encouraged in some societies. And with all the technology we have today, instant gratification is at our fingertips. Whether on the TV, the internet, or on the magazine isle at the store, we regularly see advertising that encourages us to seek instant gratification. And with the lax standards of our current media, soft pornography and recreational drugs are shown in regular programming, as if to say it's ok to take part, it makes you cool and brings you happiness like the people you see in the ads. So is it any wonder why so many people are finding disappointment in their pursuit of love?

When it comes to carnal love, there is always some form of expectation attached and it is conditional. On the other hand, spiritual love is unconditional, no matter what the circumstances are. Spiritual love is based on the immortal soul within all of us, and it is what creates true intimacy in a relationship. So here is where we shift the tone of this post and explore "spiritual love" as it applies to a romantic relationship. This is also where I had to pause my writing for a few months to deal with a personal situation that became clearer as a result of writing on this particular topic. Writing is a form of emotional and spiritual therapy for me because not only am I allowed to creatively express myself, I also grow and learn in the process.

So after reading this far, if you are feeling  a bit dismayed about your current intimate relationship, I hope you are also feeling enlightened and can find a way to either repair your current relationship, or find the courage to let go and move on to something that is better for you. Ultimately, the best relationship for you will be someone who brings out the best in you and always considers your thoughts, feelings, and needs.

"Spiritual Love" is a higher minded function that may at times include physical interaction, however it is focused on the non physical aspects of any relationship.Since my topic is in the Fire Element, I will focus on how Spiritual Love pertains to our intimate and romantic relationships. Here are some descriptions of how to identify spiritual love and help you to divine whether or not your current intimate relationship is more carnal or spiritual, based on whether it has these components.
  • Considering your partners needs and feelings as you would your own. 
  • Being prepared to make sacrifices when appropriate. 
  • Making modifications in daily routines just to spend some quality time with your partner.
  • Ignoring the shortcomings and mistakes of your partner. 
  • Modifying your behavior to show respect in all situations. 
  • Not feeling any hesitation in sharing your thoughts with your partner.
  • Feeling happy in their moments of joy and shedding tears at their moments of sadness.
See anything missing in your current intimate relationship? Keep in mind that this is the short list, but what I believe are some of the most important aspects of a Spiritual Love relationship. For those who have religious beliefs and values that they live, your definition of Spiritual Love will have even more defining points, and possibly even some restrictions that are designed to help keep you focused on building your relationship with God as well as your companion. For those who do not have any specific spiritual beliefs, this concept might be a bit more difficult to comprehend how it applies to their lives. Nevertheless, without a spiritual connection that the 2 of you can nurture and grow together, the relationship may show signs of fading or deterioration at some point, leaving you to make a decision between staying in a lack luster relationship or moving on without that person. If you should decide to stay (and if you are married I highly advocate doing everything you can, within reason) and work things out, there are some things you will need to consider, both of you.

It helps to realize that there is a difference between what we want and what we need. You may be saying duh, but when emotions are involved it's easy to move some of those wants to the needs list, especially when we feel like our real needs aren't being met and our desires are being ignored. And the only way to be able to identify those better for yourself is to have a sense of your own spirituality, values, and morals. This is essential if you are to have a lasting relationship with someone that is built on something that is ever growing and improving. Also, your level of self esteem and confidence in your ability to function as an equal partner in a relationship is something that should be strong before entering into a relationship. A person with a compromised self esteem, for what ever reason, will be less likely to understand how to have a healthy relationship with you and if you choose to enter into a relationship under those conditions, it should be addressed in a conversation and healthy boundaries set to help both parties cope with the shortcoming.

Five tips to working it out:

1. Expect this
2. Give a little
3. Now, here, this
4. Dig Deep
5. Talk it out

It's important to have good communication skills in a relationship. This doesn't mean you have to talk a lot, although some people do lol. It just means that you should have a decent understanding of how to speak to someone and how to not just listen to them, but hear and comprehend what they are saying. Since we are all a work in progress and at various stages of growth, the focus here is to find someone you are compatible with and can communicate on the same level as your are. The best way to find someone like that is to focus on building friendships without intimacy and learn more about each other without the set backs of one or the other doing or saying thing to impress or avoid causing the other person to step back out of concern or fear.

Let's face it, fear is a major motivator when it comes to getting into a relationship. People tend to be less guarded around a friend than they are when with someone they have affection for. It's less intimidating and the pressure to impress isn't as strong, especially if both are candid with each other and build trust and confidence in each other. So while the romance and all the fluffy feelings are great to feel, and I advocate romance, if you are to ever have something that is lasting and fulfilling it is important you learn to curb those physical passions early on. If you really want to get to know someone, climbing into bed with them isn't the answer, it just complicates things and/or dooms it to being a simple and superficial connection.

I hope this long winded post has found friendly eyes and gives a bit of hope to those out there seeking "True Love" because it isn't a myth, it just takes work!


Quote Your Soul ©

Monday, November 5, 2012


"They who are false to God, are not likely to be true to anyone."~ Shelley Williams

There is not doubt, dishonesty hurts all parties involved. Whether the truth is known or not, a lie hurts when it is told, even when it is a lie of omission. So what makes a person lie or not reveal the truth? Avoiding conflict with peers is one of the top motivators for deception. For instance, the lie you tell your boss when you are late to work because you slept in, the lie a student tells when he says the dog ate his homework, the lie you tell your friend when she asks if her dress makes her look fat, or even the lie someone tells when asked their age or her weight. These type of lies are designed to avoid getting the brunt edge of someone else's disappointment for hearing the truth, which leads us to the subject of how we lie to avoid letting others know that we lack confidence.
“It is not only by dint of lying to others, but also of lying to ourselves, that we cease to notice that we are lying.” ~ Marcel Proust

According to Psychologist Robert Feldman, self-esteem is one of the biggest culprits in our lying ways: "We find that as soon as people feel that their self-esteem is threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels." The farther a person gets from their ideal self, the more likely they are to lie in order to boost themselves up to avoid feeling like a failure in life, as well as being the recipient of the disapproval of others. When these kind of lies are told early on in an intimate relationship, in the effort to appear a more desirable companion, it can eventually affect the long term potential of that relationship.  Individuals with low self-esteem who only look at getting past the initial stage of courtship by creating the image they want the object of their affection to see are not considering the outcome of those lies when they are discovered, thereby sabotaging the relationship. Feeling betrayed by the loss of the relationship. they put the blame on their partner and avoid facing the truth that it was their own dishonesty which caused the breakup in the first place. Nevertheless, lying is a complex phenomenon that affects all parties involved.

Romans 12:3
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. 

So who is God and how can someone lie or be false to God if they don't believe? Many have questioned whether there is a an all powerful, all seeing God or not, especially when it seems the world is so unfair and unjust. One of the most common questions asked today is, "How could God allow this to happen to me?"

It isn't possible to truly understand God or God's purpose in our existence, but it IS possible to understand certain basic principals that God has set in place for us. One of the most important things to learn is the principal of "Free Agency" and the part it plays in all of our lives here on Earth. Simply put, we have the freedom to choose what we think, the words we say, how we feel, and our actions. These are the only things we can control in our lives. We can't control other people, we can't control our government, and we can't control what we experience when we set foot outside our door. In some cases, there are those who don't even have control over what happens in their own home, because they live with others. When others are in our midst, we are subject to their free agency as well. When people lie or act in dishonest ways it inevitably affects us in negative ways, causing us to feel our trust has been betrayed.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” ~ Plato

Pathological liars are probably the most insidious liars of all because the stories told are not entirely improbable and often have some element of truth. These lies aren't provoked by an immediate situation or social pressure as much as it is an innate trait of their personality, and the stories told tend toward presenting the pathological liar favorably. In some cases, they may even genuinely believe that these fictitious events have taken place, presenting as what is called false memory syndrome. Pathological lying is considered a mental illness, because it takes over rational judgment, progressing into the fantasy world and back. Excessive lying is a common symptom of several mental illnesses,  on the other hand, pathological lying can be described as an addiction to lying.

Another form of lying I would like to cover in this article is one that many have heard of, but may not know the exact nature or behavioral symptoms of those who suffer from it. However, this particular form of lying is one that I feel is very common amongst parents who abuse and/or neglect their children. Münchausen syndrome is a condition where those affected fabricate a disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention or sympathy to themselves, perceiving it as a form of comfort and validation that they are important. In some extreme cases, people suffering from Münchausen's syndrome are highly knowledgeable about the practice of medicine and are able to produce symptoms that result in lengthy and costly medical analysis, prolonged hospital stay and unnecessary operations. The role of "patient" is a familiar and comforting one, and it fills a psychological need in people with
Münchausen's. It is distinct from Hypochondriasis in that patients with Münchausen's are aware that they are exaggerating, while sufferers of Hypochondriasis believe, even fear that they actually have a disease. Closely related is Münchausen syndrome by proxy which refers to the abuse of another person, typically a child, in order to seek attention or sympathy for the abuser. The 1994 movie "A Child's Cry for Help," this particular form of the disease is explored when a Doctor begins to believe that one of her patients (Tobey Maguire of Spiderman) is actually the victim of an abusive mother.

You cant hide your lying eyes, or can you? Some say you can tell if a person is lying simply by whether they look to the left or the right when they are talking to you, however, it isn't quite that easy.  The eyes do a wide variety of things when a person is lying, depending on what it is they are lying about, and whether it was a pre-fabricated story or fabricated spontaneously at the moment. To find out more about how the eyes reveal dishonesty, take a look at the chart provided by readingVisual Accessing Cues - "Lying Eyes" If you would like to learn more about how to tell when someone is lying, Mark Adams also gives us some helpful information in his Online Guide to busting liars.

There is no doubt that lying hurts. so how do we  deal with it, once the lies have been told? How can we find peace out of the potential chaos that comes with the lies? Scott Edinger of Forbes Magazine, who writes articles about strategy, leadership, and sales  effectiveness, offers us some advice. In one of his articles he discusses Four Steps to Deal With Dishonest People
1. Understand the impact it has on you.
2. Confront the behavior.
3. Take action to address the impact.
4. Move Forward.
In a perfect world everyone would be honest with each other and fear would not be a motivator to be dishonest, but we don't live in a perfect world do we. So we each have a choice when it comes to lies... You can let it eat at you and control you, or you can move ahead with strength.The bottom line is, YOU have the choice!

Quote Your Soul © 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Strength of Character

"Strength of character grows on a rocky terrain." ~ Shelley Williams
They say 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going' but we never fully understand the scope of the saying until we find ourselves on a rocky path from which there is no escape. Time is supposed to heal all wounds, but what "they" really mean by that is that in time you develop the "Strength of Character" that helps you make it through that rocky path. It is known as the sum of all the attributes, such as integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, in a person. Character is quite possibly the most important essence a person can possess, as it defines who a person is.
In the summer of 2005 at the age of 42 I found myself on a rocky path as a result of a deadly automobile accident. I was waiting at a stop light to turn green, less than a mile from my home, when a drunk driver struck me from behind, crushing my vehicle around me and leaving me with multiple fractures and a serious concussion.  The investigating officer said the driver was  passed out going approximately 70 mph when he rear ended me and he had a blood alcohol level of .214, unable to speak or walk without help. He was uninjured with the exception of a few cuts and scrapes from his air bag. He was driving a van which was not insured and he was not a licensed driver, nor was he a legal resident of the US. After a week of hospitalization, I was sent home to heal from the physical and emotional trauma caused by this mishap. I was told I would need a shoulder and nose reconstruction at some point to correct some of the damage caused. 

After the accident
One of the 3 young women who came to my aid immediately following the accident was a nurse at the nearby hospital where I was transported to after the firemen and paramedics cut me out of my vehicle. She said she had tried to open the driver side door to assist me but was unable to get the door to open more than just a few inches due to the extensive damage to my vehicle. The seat belt broken from the impact of thrusting me forward into the steering wheel and I had been thrown across the center console, fracturing multiple ribs and other bones in my upper body. She said I was not breathing when she first saw me,  and said all she could reach was the end of my pants leg because my legs were pinned under the driver seat. She shook my pant legs frantically, hoping the motion would somehow cause me to breathe and wake up. That simple act is was saved my life, she didn't not hesitate or assume it was hopeless and leave me for dead and wait for the 911 call response, she simply did her best and God did the rest.

So I was faced with what seemed insurmountable odds to recover without any assistance at home, as I lived alone far away from my immediate family and closest friends, and expected to have the hope and determination needed to overcome this "rocky path" that had been set for me by the negligence of another human being, who in the long run was not humane in his choice to drive while so intoxicated. I could have given into the despair, that soon followed, and indulged in the choice to self medicate in effort to avoid the tremendous pain I was experiencing. Yet, I chose to fight and rehabilitate myself back to the best psychical health I could with the knowledge and tools I had developed in my life thus far. I experienced PTSD for some time after, and still to this day tend to slow down in intersections and watch my rear view mirror closely on the off chance that someone else might be driving recklessly and strike me again. But I grew my own "Gamman" forging my way through the "rocky terrain" and came out the other side stronger for it. I even developed what a friend of mine called "Ghetto Tai Chi Ch'uan" to help me regain my strength and balance. 

In explanation, "Ghetto Tai Chi Ch'uan" is a combination of Modern and Jazz dance moves combined with Yoga positions and Tai Chi form utilizing the elements of Ch'uan (pronounced quan), which is the concept of resistance training, muscle tension and release. "Gamman" is a Japanese cultural trait and is considered untranslatable, but according to the Urban Dictionary, it is "the capacity to suppress outwards signs or expressions of suffering or pain, either emotional or physical as an act of inner strength or to appear to possess of character." 

To be clear, "Strength of Character" can be used in positive ways as well as misused in destructive ways. The Character Strengths and Virtues Handbook (CSV) by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman breaks it down into 24 character traits which are categorized into 6 virtues. The leaders of the positive psychology movement are suggesting that virtue has a biological basis, so I think it is safe to say that your strength of character may actually be an inherited trait, passed down genetically by our biological predecessors who developed these traits and behaviors through life and learned to incorporate into their physical being. For instance, when it comes to breeding of domesticated animals, especially pure bred dogs or horses, one of the things a serious buyer looks for is the blood line and what the parents of the animal were like. Were they obedient? Easy to train? Did they have any bad temperament issues? Were they bred for racing or fighting? All of these factors play a huge part in whether an owner will purchase the animal and what they intend to use the animal for.

We all know of the negative publicity on the American Staffordshire Bull Terrier, (More commonly called a 'Pit Bull') thanks to the conviction of Michael Vick back in 2007. But how many of you followed up with where some of those dogs ended up and how their behaviors changed when put into a loving and supportive environment? I have personally been the owner of 3 separate Staffy's, 2 of them pure bred and one mixed with yellow lab. The first one I owned was 8 months old when I rescued her from a violent drug environment. She had some bad habits and nervous issues that took time to train out of her, the most difficult one being that she liked to charge at a stranger in an intimidating fashion that would scare them from coming anywhere near us. The second one I owned was purchased as a puppy from a breeder where I was able to meet both of the parents and see how they behaved. They had records of immunizations, ribbon winners in his blood line, and and temperament issues that may arise. He was loving, playful, and easy to train. He enjoyed learning new tricks and developed a respect for the Maine Coon cats I bred at the time. He was by far, the best pet I have ever owned and I think of him often. The third one was the the mixed breed and he was approximately 6 months old when his owner had to find a new home for him. I had provided foster care for him on a couple of occasions so when the owner was unable to provide a stable environment for him, she asked me to take him for her. He also had a sweet temperament and was very playful, however, you could tell that a fighting bull had been in his blood line not too far back and he showed a dominant disposition when around other dogs.

When it comes to domesticating a wild animal, it is suggested that it takes 3 generations of breeding and training before a true domestic pet can be born in a litter. So taking that one step further, is it possible that it could be that same 3 generations of human procreation to change the instinctive behaviors of a person? And with so many babies being born to alcohol and/or drug addicted parents, what is the long term affect it will have on them and their offspring in the future? What about all the chemicals being used in foods produced by pre-packaged food manufactures and all of the prescription drugs being used by mothers during pregnancy?

The 6 Virtues mentioned in the CSV are Wisdom and Knowledge, Courage, Humanity, Justice, Temperance, and Transcendence. These virtues are considered to be good by the vast majority of cultures and throughout history and they are traits which can lead to increased happiness when practiced. So in closing I will give you the basic components graph of these 6 virtues so that you may further research and study them in hopes they might help my readers to develop the "Strength of Character" you desire to improve your own circumstances of life and experience a greater satisfaction in your relationships with others.

NAMI - National alliance on Mental Health

Quote Your Soul © 2012