Thursday, January 17, 2019

My Spiritual & Emotional Evolution

"When you stop being emotionally invested in the chaos the truth reveals itself."  ~ Shelley Williams

I'm not exactly sure why, but today I felt the need to pick up where I left off with this book idea of mine and follow through on my goal to complete this project. I had to take some time to let that sting of anger subside within me so that it didn't intermittently interfere with my ability to stay positive and encouraging to others. Then I was reminded that I AM HUMAN and my perception shifted.

Maybe it's just the wisdom that comes with age and experience, or maybe it helps that I continued to see a therapist even though I wasn't in crisis lol. That alone has served to help me stay focused on my personal progress and reaching the goals I had for my spiritual and emotional evolution. I can not be defined by my past, but I welcome the truth of my past as a part of the whole of my life experiences that have brought me to this point in my existence. This was an important level of thinking for me to reach in order to complete this book.

As we grow we begin to discover how we have learned to do certain things a certain way simply because of a thinking process we learned growing up. And since thinking is where all of our actions and emotions are rooted, it's important that we become willing to evaluate our thinking patterns and discuss how we come to certain conclusions in our daily lives. We need to be willing to challenge our closely held perceptions and use reason to determine if these perceptions and thinking patterns are helping us or hindering us.

This morning I was inspired by this thought that came into my mind and I felt the need to share it so I hope that it inspires you as much as it has inspired me. Truth comes to us when we are ready to accept it. Today I am open to truth and I welcome the challenge to grow myself into a better human being tomorrow than I am today, and each day after.

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