Sunday, April 20, 2014

Changing things up a bit!

My creative flow was put on hold for a while. Chalk it up to life experiences that trip us up, I had some personal growth and healing to do before I could successfully move forward with the desires of my soul. Lately my mind has been flooded with creativity in all aspects of my life. Even my house plants are fertile and thriving off of the energy flow. Although my personal growth may seem to be eeking forward at a slow pace, I can see marked improvements from where I was only a year ago.

I have been redecorating my humble apartment, accepting that downsizing at this juncture in life has been a good thing for me, albeit, an uncomfortable adjustment. Having a self deprecating sense of humor helps. And coming to terms with truths and embracing the fact that I have allowed my faith in humanity to overshadow my common sense has taken me to places in my life that I know now I will never have to revisit. It's a bit Cathartic really, and I feel as though I have a new soul and driving spiritual force within me that is more focused than ever before. Or it could simply be that change of life thingie lol.

So I will be redesigning this blog and changing how I post. It might read more like a journal of sorts, but I will still work toward completion of my book series and, once in a while, offer spoilers here on my blog. I felt like I had cornered myself a bit before and in doing so, I was limiting my own free expression and where I could take this blog on a creative level. So from now on, I will feature more quotes from other authors and people of interest throughout history. Wisdom is out there, but it first has to be read, or heard, and most importantly, perceived correctly.

With that said, Happy Easter to the world! Today is a new day, a new life in many traditions, cultures and Religions. What a perfect day to start over!

Quote Your Soul ©